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Showing posts from May, 2018

instances and firewall with GCP CLI

In Cloud Shell, paste and run the following commands to create a few instances: for i in {1..3}; \ do \ gcloud compute instances create "nginxstack-$i" \ --machine-type "f1-micro" \ --tags nginxstack-tcp-443,nginxstack-tcp-80 \ --zone us-central1-f \ --image "" \ --boot-disk-size "200" --boot-disk-type "pd-standard" \ --boot-disk-device-name "nginxstack-$i"; \ done Run the following command to create a firewall rule to allow external traffic to the instances: gcloud compute firewall-rules create nginx-firewall \ --allow tcp:80,tcp:443 \ --target-tags nginxstack-tcp-80,nginxstack-tcp-443

Getting Started with Kubernetes Engine | GCP

Getting Started with Kubernetes Objectives In this lab you create a Kubernetes Engine cluster containing several containers, each containing a web server. You place a l oad balancer in front of the cluster and view its contents. In this lab, you learn how to perform the following tasks: Provision a  Kubernetes  cluster using  Kubernetes Engine. Deploy and manage Docker containers using  kubectl .Sign in to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Console Make sure that you have access to a standard web browser. The Google Chrome browser is recommended Sign in to the Google Cloud Platform Console by using the username and password  Confirm that needed APIs are enabled Make a note of the name of your GCP project. This value is shown in the top bar of the Google Cloud Platform Console. It will be of the form  qwiklabs-gcp- followed by hexadecimal numbers. In the GCP Console, on the  Products & Services  ( ) menu, click...