Registration is open! It's that time again, Code Jam 2015 Registration is now open! Make sure you register between now and the end of the Qualification Round by clicking on the blue 'Participate' button to the right. This year we're excited to announce the introduction of a brand new track within the Code Jam competition called Distributed Code Jam . Those of you who make it to Code Jam Round 3 can choose to participate in this new leg of the competition designed to challenge your distributed coding, latency reduction abilities, and of course, your algorithmic coding skills. For Distributed Code Jam we've added one new online round and one on-site final round made up of algorithmic puzzles similar to Code Jam, but in order to solve them you will need to write code for a distributed environment. If you compete in both, you could attend the finals in Seattle, Washington and win both Code Jam and Distributed Code Jam. In order to participate in Distri...