HashiCorp Terraform version 1.0, released this week, contains few new technical feature updates. But that's actually the point. The company is known for its unconventional philosophy on what constitutes a "version 1.0" product and has spent seven years updating, supporting and marketing the infrastructure-as-code tool without this designation. Other HashiCorp products such as Nomad container orchestration and Vault secrets management also spent long periods being used in production before reaching version 1.0. Terraform is used to define infrastructure resources using programming code, which DevOps teams can then automatically test and deploy alongside applications using the same processes. Terraform is among the most widely used such tools, with more than 100 million open source downloads to date. The HashiCorp-hosted Terraform Cloud has amassed 120,000 customers. Despite its widespread production use, each new version of Terraform over the last three yea...
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